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SOA Exams & Modules

[mathjax] Review Basic Concepts – Integrals: \(\int_{0}^{\infty }{{{t}^{n}}{{e}^{-ct}}dt}=\dfrac{n!}{{{c}^{n+1}}}\) \(\int_{0}^{u}{{{t}^{n}}{{e}^{-ct}}dt}=\dfrac{1-(1+cu){{e}^{-cu}}}{{{c}^{2}}}\) \({{(\bar{I}\bar{a})}_{u}}=\dfrac{{{{\bar{a}}}_{\overline{u}}}-u{{v}^{u}}}{\delta }\) – Geometric Series: \(\sum\nolimits_{k=0}^{n-1}{a{{r}^{k}}}=a\dfrac{1-{{r}^{n}}}{1-r}\) \({{i}^{(m)}}=m({{(1+i)}^{{}^{1}/{}_{m}}}-1)\) \({{d}^{(m)}}=m(1-{{(1+i)}^{-{}^{1}/{}_{m}}})\) – Survival Function: \({{S}_{x}}(0)=1\) \(\underset{t\to \infty }{\mathop{\lim }}\,{{S}_{x}}(t)=0\) \({{S}_{x}}(t)\) must be a non-increasing function of t Review from MFE – Rate of Discount: \(d=\dfrac{i}{1+i}\) – Discounting Rate: \(v=\dfrac{1}{1+i}=1-d\) – Continuously Compounded Interest Rate: \(\delta =\ln (1+i)\)  – Simple Interest Rate i: \({i}_{t}=1+it\) , \({{v}_{t}}=\dfrac{1}{1+it}\) – PV of …

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Accounting Principles

Product Classification Why need product classification? Not all products manufactured by insurance companies are insurance contracts Insurance contracts are those that contain significant insurance risk How products are classified? For valuation purposes, insurance contracts can be further classified into: Ordinary Life – Participating Ordinary Life – Non-Participating Personal Accident Unit-linked (Contracts with an explicit account balance) Universal life (Contracts with …

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Introduction IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts establishes principles for the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of insurance contracts issued. It also requires similar principles to be applied to reinsurance contracts held and investment contracts with discretionary participation features issued. The objective is to ensure that entities provide relevant information in a way that faithfully represents those contracts. This information gives a …

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Coding & Programming

Prophet – Patterns

Definition Types Definition type Description Formula A formula expressed in Prophet’s programming language. Constant A constant value. Global The value is read from the global file at run time. Parameter The value is read from a parameter file at run time. Model point The value for each model point is read from the model point file at run time. Generic …

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