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Source of Earnings for UL and ILP Products

OPBT Rollforward Analysis


  Fee Based Income Insurance Operating Income
Last Year One-off
Claims Experience Actual claim profits – Expected claim profits, from basic and UDR products Actual claim profits – Expected claim profits, from PPR products
Expense Experience Actual expense profits – Expected expense profits
Lapse and Persistency Experience Anything else that are difficult to explain
Profit Growth from In-force Expected profit from in-forced policies (separated by previous cohorts)
Profit from New Business Expected profit from new policies (separated by current cohort)
Current Year One-off (Technical Initiatives)
Current Year One-off (Others)
Par and Spread
Last Year One-off
Business Growth
Change in LTIRA
Change in Fixed Income Yield
Change in Asset Mix
Change in Interest Required on Liability Expected interest required
Current Year One-off (Technical Initiatives)
Current Year One-off (Others)
Return on Surplus Assets
Beginning – 
Last Year One-off
Normalized Surplus Growth
Market Fluctuation
Change in LTIRA
Change in Fixed Income Yield
Change in Asset Mix
Current Year One-off (Technical Initiatives)
Current Year One-off (Others)

Claims Experience

Claim Profit Fee Based Income Insurance Operating Income

(+) (Actual – Expected) COI (Basic + UDR)

(-) (Actual – Expected) Claims (-) Claims (Basic, lead to decrement)
(-) Claims (Basic, not lead to decrement)
(-) Claims (UDR)
(+) (Actual – Expected) Release in reserve from decrement
(+/-) (Actual – Expected) Net amortization attributed to claims margin in gross profit (AGP – EGP)
(+/-) Retrospective true-up impact attributed to claims variance
(+) Increase In Mort & Morb Reserve
(-) (Actual – Expected) Reinsurance profits (-) Outward reinsurance
(+) Outward reinsurance claims

Expense Experience

Expense Profit Fee Based Income Insurance Operating Income

(+) (Actual – Expected) Premium charges

(+) (Actual – Expected) Foundation charges

(+) (Actual – Expected) Fund management fees
(+) (Actual – Expected) Policy fees & policy admin fees
(-) Ultimate premium charges
(-) Ultimate commissions
(-) (Actual – Expected) Maintenance expenses
(-) (Actual – Expected) Non-deferrable & overhead expenses
(+) (Actual – Expected) Net amortization attributed to expense margin in gross profit (AGP – EGP)
(+) Retrospective true-up impact attributed to expense variance
(+) (Actual – Expected) Net amortization attributed to flooring margin in gross profit (AGP – EGP)
(+) Retrospective true-up impact attributed to flooring variance
(+) Finance costs

Lapse and Persistency Experience

Lapse and Persistency Experience Fee Based Income Insurance Operating Income

(+) (Actual – Expected) Surrender charges

(+) (Actual – Expected) Annual premium hold (APH) charges
(+) (Actual – Expected) Reserve release
(+) (Actual – Expected) Net amortization attributed to surrender margin in gross profit (AGP – EGP)
(+) Retrospective true-up impact attributed to surrender variance

Investment Gains / Losses

Investment Profit Fee Based Income Insurance Operating Income

(+) (Actual – Expected) Investment spreads

(+) (Actual – Expected) Fund house rebates
(-) (Actual – Expected) Interest credited to other policyholder’s account (DA/CA/Premium deposit)
(+/-) (Actual – Expected) Net amortization attributed to investment margin in gross profit (AGP – EGP)
(+/-) Retrospective true-up impact attributed to investment variance

Expected Profits

Expected Profits
Fee Based Income Insurance Operating Income

(+) Expected profits

(+) Expected COI (basic & UDR)

(+) Expected premium charges

(+) Expected foundation charges

(+) Expected fund management fees

(+) Expected policy fees & policy admin fees

(+) Expected surrender charges

(+) Expected annual premium hold (APH) charges

(+) Expected investment spreads

(+) Fund house rebates

(-) Expected claims (basic & UDR)

(-) Ultimate premium charges

(-) Ultimate commissions

(-) Expected Maintenance expenses

(+) Expected Premium paying rider (PPR) gain/loss (+) Expected premiums
(-) Expected claims
(+) Increase in policy reserves
(+) Opening balance adjustments
(+) One-Off