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Elements in Axis

Types of Tables

Tables are used at many levels in AXIS for many different:

  • uses,
  • structures, and 
  • shapes
Table Hierarchy Characteristics
Cell Tables
  • Used only by cells, or by sub-objects linked to cells
  • Support policy level calculations at the cell level
Projection Tables
  • Used by higher level objects, such as sub-funds, funds and offices
  • Column-specific shape
  • Rows are financial years


Table Types Characteristics
Common Table
  • Vendor defined tables, such as industry standard mortality tables
  • Tables are locked and may not be modified
Large Table
  • User defined
  • One hundred columns, one for each entry age
  • View an entry age table in a cell to determine which definition of age is in effect
Single Column Table
  • Rows can be policy year, attained age or entry age
Column Specific Table
  • “100 Rows X n columns”
  • The row definition is Table specific, options include:
    • calendar year, issue year, policy year, attained age, product age or outstanding term
  • 1200 row tables are also used when policy duration is by month
  • “Expandable” columns allow the user to enter additional age and duration based data which is used in addition to the normal vector of values shown in the column
Row Specific Table
  • Table divides the rows of the table into subsections and each row has a specific title to indicate its purpose
Row and Column Specific Table
  • Age Distribution Table, columns define product age, rows define product age specific information
Composite Table
  • Combination of tables (table of tables)
  • Each row of the Composite Table will have a title indicating its purpose and a number of columns of entry fields, including possibly Flat and Multiple modifiers, scalar values, and usually a Table link field, in which another table can be selected
  • A special type of Composite Table is a Compound Table which allows the explicit selection of a base table of rates (premiums, risk charges, mortality rates, etc.) along with up to 10 different Adjustment tables which are applied to modify or limit the initial base values
Formula Table
  • User designed subroutine (formula), written using AXIS Script language, that determines the required table values by age, duration, calendar year date, etc. – dynamically based on the algorithms in the formula


Table Sections


To identify the use of the contents of a table, such as premium rates per unit, interest rates, or expense factors.

Table Names Unique table names?
Within a Table section   Yes
Among Table Sections No

Some of the tables of a given Section are made available to other Modules of AXIS.