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Prophet – Patterns

Definition Types

Definition type Description
Formula A formula expressed in Prophet’s programming language.
Constant A constant value.
Global The value is read from the global file at run time.
Parameter The value is read from a parameter file at run time.
Model point The value for each model point is read from the model point file at run time.
Generic table The value or values are read from a specified generic table at run time.
Mortality table The values are read from a specified mortality table at run time.
Year Dependent Mortality table The values are read from a specified year dependent mortality table at run time.
Year Index table The values are read from a specified year index table at run time.
Time Index Values Constant values for specified months of the calculations.
Extended Formula A formula expressed using the extended formula syntax.
t-Dependent Extended Formula A formula that uses the extended formula syntax to support the timedependent variable t.

Default Indicators

Indicator Description
ALWAYS Brings in variables that are required in every product. For example, the age at entry and policy term variables.
PROJ Used to project business that is already in force and new business. If not selected then these variables are not included and only new business can be projected.
REG_PREM Used if premiums are to be paid regularly (that is the product is not a single premium contract).
ENDOWMENT Used for an endowment type product.
SURR_VALUES Used if a surrender value is payable on early termination of the policy.
OTAX_ON_I_E The tax indicator selected by default for a new Conventional business product. It is used if the tax payable by the office is based on a percentage of investment income and realised chargeable gains less relievable expenses and annuity payments. This is the basis that applies to life business in the UK.
OTAX_ON_PROF The tax indicator selected by default for new International products. It is used if the tax payable is calculated as a percentage of gross profit.
ONE_VALBASIS Used if the same valuation basis is applied to the attaching bonus (if with-profits) and paid-up policies (if specified) as is applied to the basic benefit.
DISC_PROFITS Used if Prophet is needed to calculate the discounted value of future profits. It allows the discounting to be at three different interest rates.

Variable Prefix


Q_ Indicates that the variable is a mortality rate variable.
ANN_ Annual
IC_  Indicates that the variable is an initial commission variable.
RC_  Indicates that the variable is a renewal commission variable.
 VAL_ Indicates that the variable is a value variable
OTR  Indicates that the variable is an original term reinsurance variable.

Variable Suffix

Suffix Description
_PC Indicates that the variable takes values entered as a percentage.
_PN Indicates that the variable takes values entered as a proportion.
_SY Indicates that the variable takes values entered as a sensitivive factor.
_M Indicates that the variable takes values entered as months.
_Y Indicates that the variable takes values entered as years.
_IF Indicates that the variable takes values entered for in force business.
_PP Indicates that the variable takes values entered as per policy amounts.
_BASE Indicates that the variable takes values for the base assumptions.