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Solvency Management

Solvency Framework


Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirements (MCCSR)

Life Insurance Capital Adequacy Test (LICAT)

Insurance Ordinance (HKIO)

Risk-Based Capital Framework (HKRBC)

Solvency I

China Risk Oriented Solvency System (C-ROSS)

China Risk Oriented Solvency System (C-ROSS) Phase II

Accounting Basis

Canadian GAAP (IFRS 4)







Solvency Ratio

Solvency Ratio

LICAT Ratios

  • Total Ratio
    =  (Available Capital
      + Surplus Allowance
      + Eligible Deposits)
       / Base Solvency Buffer
  • Core Ratio
    = (Tier 1 Capital
    + 70% of Surplus Allowance
    + 70% of Eligible Deposits)
    / Base Solvency Buffer


Solvency Ratio
= Available Capital / Minimum Capital

  • Overall Solvency Ratio
    = Overall capital / Minimum capital
  • Core Solvency Ratio
    = Core capital / Minimum capital
Minimum Target Ratio
  • Total Ratio ≥ 90%
  • Core Ratio ≥ 55%


  • Overall Solvency Ratio ≥ 100%
  • Core Solvency Ratio ≥ 50%
Supervisory Target Ratio
  • Total Ratio ≥ 100%
  • Core Ratio ≥ 70%


  • Overall Solvency Ratio ≥ 120%
  • Core Solvency Ratio ≥ 60%
Minimum Available Capital

$5 million


Accounting Basis

Canadian GAAP

  • All under China GAAP except reserves.
  • Reserves are calculated under C-ROSS
Available Capital Available Capital = Tier 1 Capital + Tier 2 Capital Available Capital = Tier 1 Capital + Tier 2 Capital
Surplus Allowance

Surplus Allowance = the net risk adjustment

  • risk adjustment for non-financial risks
  • net of all reinsurance


Eligible Deposits

Eligible Deposits =

  • collateral and letters of credit placed by unregistered reinsurers, plus
  • claims fluctuation reserves


Required Capital

Base Solvency Buffer:

  • is equal to the sum of the aggregate capital requirement net of credits, for each of geographic regions, multiplied by a scalar of 1.0. {CA-LICAT-1.1.5}

\(\gamma \times (\sum_{}^{}{K_\text{Non-Par}}+\sum_{i}^{}{(K_\text{Par i}-CP_i)}-\sum_{j}^{}{CA_j}-CG+SFG+OR)\)


  • γ is the scalar (=1.0)
  • ∑KNon-Par is the sum of the requirements K calculated for the non-participating block in each geographic region
  • The second sum is taken over all qualifying participating blocks, and the third sum is taken over all qualifying adjustable products
  • KPar i is the standalone adjusted diversified requirement K for qualifying participating block i
  • CPi is the par credit for participating block i
  • CAj is the adjustable credit for adjustable product j
  • CG is the total of all credits for policyholder deposits and group insurance business
  • SFG is the capital requirement for segregated fund guarantee risk
  • OR is the capital requirement for operational risk
Aggregate Capital Requirement

The aggregate capital requirement within a geographic region comprises requirements for each of the following five risk components:

  1. credit risk;
  2. market risk;
  3. insurance risk;
  4. segregated funds guarantee risk; and
  5. operational risk.

Aggregate requirements are reduced by:

  • credits for:
    • qualifying in-force participating and adjustable products, and
    • risk diversification.
  • risk mitigation arrangements




Best Estimate Liabilities
  • Under GMM or VFA, BEL = Reported BEL – (RA + CSM)
  • Under PAA, BEL = Reported BEL


  • BEL = PV of FCF + TVOG
  • Dividend and interest credited should be above prescribed minimum level.
Risk Margin (Not sure) No.


or other approved approaches.

Discount Rate

Prescribed level spot rates by region:

  • 5.3% for Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom,
  • 3.6% for Europe other than the United Kingdom,
  • 1.8% for Japan, and
  • 5.3% for other locations.


Generated by the discount rate generator.

  • Not level.

Required Capital for Insurance Risk

RC for Insurance Risk


Not applicable to products where insurer bears no risk and has no liability for claims:

  • segregated fund guarantee products
  • investment contracts
  • “Administrative Services Only” insurance contracts


RC for Mortality Risk


  • Aggregation: Yes. All products with mortality risk are designated to be either life supported or death supported.
    • death supported if \(\text{BEL}_\text{Stress}>\text{BEL}_\text{Base}\), life supported otherwise.
  • Discount Rate: Either financial statement liability discount rates or prescribed discount rates.


RC for Volatility Risk To be continued..  
RC for Catastrophe Risk To be continued..  
RC for Level Risk To be continued..  
RC for Trend Risk To be continued..  
Projection of Insurance Liability Cash Flows

calculated using Best Estimate Assumptions (BEA).


Required Capital for Mortality Risk


RC for Mortality Risk




Set Partitioning

Requiring aggregation. All products with mortality risk are designated to be either life supported or death supported.

  • death supported if \(\text{BEL}_\text{Stress}>\text{BEL}_\text{Base}\), life supported otherwise.


Discount Rate

Either financial statement liability discount rates or prescribed discount rates. {CA-LICAT-6.2.1}


RC for Level Risk


Life supported business:

\(q’=(1+x)\times q\), where \(x=min(25\%,11\%+20\%\times r)\), \(r=\dfrac{\text{Volatility Component}}{\text{Net Expected Claims}_{(t+12, t+24)}}\)

Death supported business:

\(q’=(1-15\%)\times q\) for all time t



RC for Trend Risk


Life supported business: \(q’=(1-75\%)\times q\) for time \((t, t+12\times 25)\), for 25 years

Death supported business: \(q’=(1+75\%)\times q\) for all time t



RC for Volatility Risk


Level: calculated by sets of like products, basic death vs. AD&D, individual vs. group

Volatility Risk Component:

\(\sqrt{\sum_{\text{Basic Death}}{\text{RC}^2}}+\sqrt{\sum_{\text{AD&D}}{\text{RC}^2}}\)

where \(\text{RC}=2.7\times A\times (1-\dfrac{V}{F})\),

where \(A=\sqrt{\sum{q(1-q)b^2}}\)

Approximation of \(\boldsymbol{A}\) with known σ of the net death benefit amounts:

\(A\approx \sqrt{\dfrac{C\times\sum{b^2}}{F}}\)

Approximation of \(\boldsymbol{A}\) with unknown σ of the net death benefit amounts:

  1. \(A\approx \dfrac{A_C\times \sqrt{N_C}}{C_C}\times\sqrt{C}\times\sqrt{max(\dfrac{F}{n},\dfrac{C}{N})}\)
    • For traditional employer-sponsored group insurance policies,
      the comparison set factor \(A_C\times\dfrac{\sqrt{N_C}}{C_C}\) can be replaced with 1.75
  2. \(A \approx \sqrt{C}\times\sqrt{b_\text{min}+b_\text{max}-\dfrac{b_\text{min}-b_\text{max}}{F/n}}\)
    • \(A \approx \sqrt{C\times b_\text{max}}\)



RC for Catastrophe Risk


For basic death products:


For AD&D products:

\(\text{NOP}_\text{DEATHS}’=20\% \times r\times\text{NOP}_\text{DEATHS})\)

where \(r\) is determined by geographic region:

Shock Factors
Geographic Region Shock Factor
Canada 1.0
United States 1.2
United Kingdom 1.2
Europe and other than the United Kingdom 1.5
Japan and Other 2.0



Required Capital for Longevity Risk


RC for Longevity Risk





RC for Level Risk


Shock factors differ across registered or non-registered annuities.

Shock Factors
Annuity Business Shock Factor
Non-registered annuity business – Canada, United States and United Kingdom -20%
Registered annuity business – Canada -10%
Registered annuity business – United States and United Kingdom -12%
Non-registered and registered annuity business – geographic regions other than Canada, United States and United Kingdom -15%



RC for Trend Risk


\(q’=(1+75\%)\times q\) for all time t



Required Capital for Morbidity Risk


RC for Morbidity Risk




Set Partitioning

Active versus disabled.


Shocked Bases

Depends on whether incidence and termination rate assumptions are used to determine liabilities.

  • If yes, then percentage shocks are applied to incidence and termination rates.
  • If not, then percentage shocks are applied to adjusted net premiums.



RC for Level Risk


Policies with active status:

Percentage shocks are applied to morbidity incidence rate at each age.

Shock Factors
Product Type Shock Factor
Active DI +25%
Active WP +25%
CI +35%
Active LTC +30%
Other A&S +20%

Policies with disabled status:

Percentage shocks are applied to morbidity total termination rate at each age.

Shock Factors
Product Type Shock Factor
Disabled DI -25%
Disabled LTD -25%
Disabled STD -25%
Disabled WP -30%
Disabled LTC -25%



RC for Trend Risk


Annual morbidity improvement rate assumption = 0%, i.e. 100 % decrease in Annual morbidity improvement rate assumption.



RC for Volatility Risk


  • Applied to first-year incident rates for active lives, termination rates remain unchanged.
  • Shocks are applied by individual/group, by product type.
Shock Factors
Product Type Shock Factor
Individual active DI +25%
Individual active WP +25%
Individual CI +50%
Individual active LTC +30%
Individual medical +15%
Individual dental +20%
Individual travel +30%
Individual credit insurance +30%
Other A&S +30%
Group active STD and LTD +25%
Group active WP +25%
Group CI +50%
Group active LTC +30%
Group medical +15%
Group dental +20%
Group travel +50%
Group credit insurance +50%



RC for Catastrophe Risk


  • Applied to first year incidence rates for all active lives.
  • \(q’=(1+r)\times q\)
  • Not applied to incidence rates for group medical or dental insurance, or to individual or group travel or credit insurance.
Shock Factors
Product Type Shock Factor
Individual active DI +25%
Group active STD and LTD +25%
Individual and group active WP +25%
Individual CI +5%
Group CI +5%
Individual and group active LTC +10%
Other A&S (other than disability and CI) +25%



Required Capital for Lapse Risk


RC for Lapse Risk



Note: \(q_w’=min((1+r)\times q_w, 97.5\%)\)


Set Partitioning
  • partition into lapse-supported / lapse-sensitive business.
  • Test each individual set by applying the level, trend and volatility shocks combined to determine if the set is lapse supported or lapse sensitive.



RC for Level and Trend Risk


  • The direction of a shock is determined by comparing cash surrender values net of surrender charges.
  • \(q_w’=(1\pm 30\%)q_w\)



RC for Volatility Risk


  • Applied to first-year lapse rates.
  • \(q_w’=(1\pm 30\%)q_w\) for t ∈ [t+1, t+12]
  • The lapse volatility shock may be quantified as:
    PV of cash flows (lapses shocked ± 60% in first year) – PV of cash flows (lapses shocked ± 30% in first year)



RC for Catastrophe Risk


  • Applied to first-year lapse rates.
  • For lapse-sensitive products, \(q’=(1+20\%)\times q\) for t ∈ [t+1, t+12]
  • For lapse-supported products, \(q’=(1-60\%)\times q\) for t ∈ [t+1, t+12]



Required Capital for Expense Risk


RC for Expense Risk



  • All maintenance expenses that are estimated (including non-commission premium and claim expenses).
  • Expenses that are contractually guaranteed by third parties are excluded from the shocks.


RC for Level, Trend, Volatility Catastrophe Risk
  • Expense shocks are applied to maintenance expenses.
  • \(e’=(1+20\%)e\) for t ∈ [t+1, t+12]
  • \(e’=(1+10\%)e\) for t ∈ (t+12, ∞)



Required Capital for Operational Risk

RC for Operational Risk

The sum of:

  • Business volume required capital;
  • Large increase in business volume required capital; and
  • General required capital.


Business Volume RC
  • determined by applying a factor to the following in the past 12 months:
    • premiums received, and
    • account values/liabilities for deposit-type products
Exposure Factor
Direct premiums received 2.50%
Assumed reinsurance premiums received 1.75%
Investment-type products and annuities:
Segregated funds with guarantees (account values) 0.40%
Liabilities for annuities in payout period, and annuity liability
equivalents for longevity risk transfer arrangements
Universal life account values 0.10%
Account values of mutual funds, GICs, other investment-type products and segregated funds without guarantees, and liabilities for annuities in accumulation period 0.10%


Large Increase in Business Volume RC

For direct premiums received, calculated separately by:

  • Individual Life (including Universal Life);
  • Group Life (including Universal Life); and
  • Other (excluding annuities).

For assumed reinsurance premiums received, calculated by:

  • for all products combined

For investment-type products and annuities, calculated by:

  • Segregated funds with guarantees (account values);
  • Liabilities for annuities in payout period, and annuity liability equivalents for longevity risk transfer arrangements;
  • Universal life account values; and
  • Account values of mutual funds, GICs, other investment-type products and segregated funds without guarantees, and liabilities for annuities in accumulation period.
Direct premiums received $
The total amount received in year 1 x
The total amount received in year 2 y
The year-over-year increase b = (y-1.2x)
Factor for direct premiums received r = 2.50%
Additional capital requirement b × r


General RC

General required capital has two components.

  • RC for proxy 1 & 2 below
  • RC for proxy 3 below
Shock Factors
Proxy Factor
Required Capital for Credit, Insurance and Market Risks 5.75%
Required Capital for Segregated Fund Guarantees 4.5%
Premiums Paid for Reinsurance Contracts Held 2.5%



Aggregation and Diversification of Risks

Within-Risk Diversification
  • credits are applied to specific components of the mortality and morbidity requirements.
  • calculated net of registered reinsurance.
  • no within-risk diversification benefits between similar risks in participating blocks and non-participating blocks.


Diversification credit between life supported and death supported business



  • RCL is the sum of the individual risk charges for mortality level risk and mortality trend risk for life supported business
  • RCD is the sum of the individual risk charges for mortality level risk and mortality trend risk for death supported business
  • The aggregate component for level and trend mortality risk assumes a correlation factor of -75% between life and death supported business.


Morbidity risk credits

at product group level.

Credit for level risk
Product Morbidity risk credits
Disability \(\text{SFF(RC)}=\begin{cases}
1\text{ , if RC }\leqslant \$ 42,000,000 \\
0.9+\dfrac{648}{\sqrt{\text{RC}}}\text{ , if RC } > \$ 42,000,000
CI \(\text{SFF(FA)}=\begin{cases}1\text{,if FA}\leqslant\$300,000,000\\0.15+\dfrac{14,722}{\sqrt{\text{FA}}}\text{,if FA}>\$300,000,000\end{cases}\)
LTC \(\text{SFF(RC)}=\begin{cases}
1\text{ , if RC }\leqslant \$ 75,000,000 \\
0.5+\dfrac{4,330}{\sqrt{\text{RC}}}\text{ , if RC } > \$ 75,000,000
Credit for volatility risk
Product Morbidity risk credits
Disability \(\text{SFF(RC)}=\begin{cases}
1\text{ , if RC }\leqslant \$ 6,000,000 \\
0.7+\dfrac{734}{\sqrt{\text{RC}}}\text{ , if RC } > \$ 6,000,000
CI \(\text{SFF(FA)}=\begin{cases}1\text{,if FA}\leqslant\$300,000,000\\0.15+\dfrac{14,722}{\sqrt{\text{FA}}}\text{,if FA}>\$300,000,000\end{cases}\)
LTC \(\text{SFF(RC)}=\begin{cases}
1\text{ , if RC }\leqslant \$ 3,000,000 \\
0.3+\dfrac{1,212}{\sqrt{\text{RC}}}\text{ , if RC } > \$ 3,000,000
Travel and credit \(\text{SFF(RC)}=\begin{cases}
1\text{ , if RC }\leqslant \$ 5,000,000 \\
0.2+\dfrac{1,788}{\sqrt{\text{RC}}}\text{ , if RC } > \$ 5,000,000
Medical/Dental (including other A&S) \(\text{SFF(RC)}=\begin{cases}
1\text{ , if RC }\leqslant \$ 3,000,000 \\
0.7+\dfrac{519}{\sqrt{\text{RC}}}\text{ , if RC } > \$ 3,000,000


Mortality and morbidity risks – portfolio volume credit
  • A credit is given for diversification across geographic regions in the level risk component of the mortality and morbidity requirements.

Credit = 0.5 × (L0 − L1)




Participating Features    
Adjustable Products    

To be continued…

Available Capital

Capital Elements

What aspects are considered?

  • availability: whether the capital element is fully paid in, and the extent to which it is available to absorb losses;
  • permanence: the period for which the capital element is available to absorb losses;
  • absence of encumbrances and mandatory servicing costs: the extent to which the capital element is free from mandatory payments or encumbrances;
  • subordination: the extent to, and the circumstances under which the capital element is subordinated to the rights of policyholders and general creditors of the insurer in an insolvency or winding-up.
  Existence Perpetuity Sub-ordinance Non-compulsoriness
Core Capital Tier 1 Paid-up capital No maturity, non-redeemable Subordinate to all other interest parties Non-compulsory to principle and/or interests
Core Capital Tier 2 Paid-up capital No maturity or maturity ≥ 10 years Subordinate to policy holder and senior debt principle and/or interest payment contingent on solvency ratio
Supplementary Capital Tier 1 Paid-up capital Maturity ≥ 5 years Subordinate to policy holder and senior debt but senior to core capital No liquidation even principle or interest payment are deferred or cancelled
Supplementary Capital Tier 2 Paid-up capital or
other admitted
Maturity could be
less than 5 years
Subordinate to policy holder, bond and all other tires of capital Could be of no contingency on principle and/or interest
Available Capital  

Available capital =
   Admitted Assets
– Admitted Liability

Gross Tier 1 Capital

Gross Tier 1 Capital =
   Tier 1 Capital Instruments
+ Tier 1 Elements other than Capital Instruments

Tier 1 Elements other than Capital Instruments = 
   Contributed Surplus
+ Adjusted Retained Earnings
+ Volatility adjustment for changes in cost of guarantee liabilities
+ Adjusted Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (AOCI)
+ Participating account
+ Non-participating account (mutual companies)
+ Tier 1 elements, other than capital instruments (*)
+ Tax adjustments and amounts recoverable on surrender (*)

Adjusted Retained Earnings

Balance Sheet
Assets Liabilities
(-) CSM (excl. segmented fund) reported as assets (+) CSM (excl. segmented fund) reported as liabilities



Superseded Solvency Framework

HK Insurance Ordinance Basis (HKIO)

Term Definition Reference Remark

Capital Requirement



  • Minimum Capital Requirements (MCR): Tier 1 Capital ≥ MCR
  • Prescribed Capital Requirements (PCR):
    • (Tier 1 Capital + Tier 2 Capital) ≥ PCR
    • PCR = max ($2 mill, 4% × mathematical reserves + 0.3% × capital at risk)

HK-Cap.41O-3 (a)


HK-Cap.41O-3 (b)



max ($2 mill, the first calculation + the second calculation)


  • Minimum Total Ratio > 100%
  • Minimum Core Ratio > 70%
  • Supervisory Target Total Ratio > 100%
  • Supervisory Target Core Ratio > 70%



Calculation of Solvency Margin


For long term class A and long term class B, the first calculation:

4% × MATH_RES_BF_DEDN_IF × r, where:

  • \(r=max(85\%, \dfrac{\text{MATH_RES_AF_DEDN_IF}_{LYE}}{\text{MATH_RES_BF_DEDN_IF}_\text{LYE}}\)
HK-Cap.41F-4 (2)
  • MATH_RES_BF_DEDN_IF: Mathematical reserves @LYE before reins deduction
  • MATH_RES_AF_DEDN_IF: Mathematical reserves @LYE after reins deduction

For long term class A and long term class B, the second calculation:

  • 0.3% × ∑|CaRi| × r, where r = :
    • \(max(50\%,\dfrac{\sum{\text{CaR}_i}_{\text{,LYE,Net}}}{\sum{\text{CaR}_i}_{\text{, LYE, Gross}}})\)
  • 0.1% for TERM valid for T ∈ (0, 12*3)
  • 0.15% for TERM valid for T ∈ (12*3, POS+12*5)
HK-Cap.41F-4 (3), (5), (6), (7)

CaRi: capital at risk for contract i.

TERM: a term life provides for benefits payable only on death within a specified period.

T ∈ (0, 12*3): For contracts starting from point-of-sale and within 36 months after POS

For long term class C:

  • If investment risks are associated, then under the first calculation.
  • If:
    • no investment risks are associated, and
    • POL_TERM_Y > 5, and
    • management expenses have a fixed upper limit, then under the first calculation (factor = 1%)
  • otherwise, SOLV_MARG = 0.

For long term class D and long term class F:

  • under the first calculation.

For long term class E:

  • 1% × assets of the relevant tontine.

For long term class I:

  • the aggregate of SOLV_MARG of retirement scheme business
Other long term business HK-Cap.41F-9  
Tiers of capital

highest tier (tier 1) regulatory capital:

  • is fully paid-up;
  • able to absorb losses first on a going-concern basis and in winding-up;
  • is perpetual and not having any terms or conditions;



Tier 1 regulatory capital examples: paid-up share capital, share premium, retained earnings, and other reserves.

tier 2 regulatory capital:

  • is fully paid-up;
  • has an initial maturity of at least 5 years;
  • may be callable within the first 5 years from the date of issue;
HK-Cap.41O-S2 Tier 2 regulatory capital examples: revaluation reserves, undisclosed reserves, hybrid instruments, subordinated term debt.

Valuation of Interest Rate


VIR = “blended yield” between min(a, b, c) and d, floored by d

  • a) 50% × [current national government bond yield] + 50% × [average monthly national government bond yields over the past 36 months]
  • b) 6% + 0.25 × max((a) – 6%, 0)
  • c) 7.5%
  • d) 97.5% of existing asset portfolio yield after prudent adjustments

Risk Management and Control

Term Definition Reference Remark

Own Risk and Solvency Assessment is:

  • a tool to enhance an insurer’s understanding of the interrelationships between its risk profile and capital needs.
  • a dynamic forward-looking process, stress and scenario testing

{CA-E-19-1}, {CA-E-19-2}

{CA-E-19-3}, {CA-E-19-4}

{CA-E-19-5}, {CA-E-19-Appendix}