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Dataset Functions

Formula Expression XLOOKUP () or XLOOKUPBYNAME () Purpose to apply a mapping rule table by searching any table in the database looking for a matching record based on up to 10 key values, and returns the value of the specified field from the lookup table if a match is found or a defined default value otherwise.. Benefits use a table ID, instead of a table name as LOOKUPBYNAME() function does. Use nAliasNo to avoid multiple openings of the same table. Syntax XLOOKUP (nAliasNo, nTableId, cReturnType, DefaultValue, ReturnField, Key1, Key2,…,Key10) XLOOKUPBYNAME (nAliasNo, cTableName, cReturnType, DefaultValue, ReturnField, Key1, Key2,…,Key10) nAliasNo: INT from 1 to 50. Use same nAliasNo if using same lookup table and key fields. nTableId: INT. Object/Table ID cReturnType: STR. “A”: Alpha. “N”: Numeric. DefaultValue: Default value returned if a matched record is not found. ReturnField: can either be a number or a name. Key1,…,Key10: Up to ten key values may be defined for the search for a matching record. Examples [COITYP] =SUBSTR(XLOOKUP(1,2,”A”,”XXX”,23,[Plan]),1,1)

RiskIntegrity for IFRS17

Calculation Steps timeline title RiskIntegrity version 10 under IFRS17 for GMM & VFA BOP section Period start OPENING_CURRENT: Opening Balance at Current DR CHANGE_IN_ESTIMATES _FS_SOP: Changes in Estimates that relate to Future Service – Period Start CHANGE_IN_ESTIMATES _FINANCIAL_RISK_SOP : Changes in Estimates linked to Financial Risk – Period Start CHANGE_IN_ESTIMATES _ISR_SOP : Changes in Estimates that adjust the Insurance Service Result – Period Start AOO_SOP_CHANGES: Assessment of Onerosity – Period Start section During The Period NB_RECOGNITION: New Business Recognition – During the Period NB_TO_IF: New Business To In Force – During the Period AOO_SOP_CHANGES_WITH _NB: Assessment of Onerosity including New Business – During the Period INTEREST_ACCRETION: Interest Accretion – During the Period FCF_RELEASE: Release of Fulfilment Cash Flows – During the Period CF_VARIANCE: Variance of Cashflows – During the Period section Period End CHANGE_IN_ESTIMATES _FS_EOP: Changes in Estimates that relate to Future Service – Period End CHANGE_IN_ESTIMATES _FINANCIAL_RISK_EOP: Changes in Estimates linked to Financial Risk – Period End CHANGE_IN_RNP: Changes in Estimates linked to Non-Performance Risk of reinsurance – Period End CHANGE_IN_ESTIMATES _ENTITY_SHARE_UNDERLYING _ITEMS_EOP: Changes in Estimates linked to Entity’s Share in the fair value of the Underlying Items – Period End CHANGE_IN_ESTIMATES_ISR_EOP: Changes in Estimates that adjust the Insurance …

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Batch Functions

File Management CopyFolder Function: CopyFolder (Source As String, Target As String) As Integer Copies contents of a source folder including subdirectories to the target folder. If target folder exists then it will be deleted before copy operation is performed. Returns True(-1) if successful or False(0) if failed. Example: DeleteFolder Function: DeleteFolder (FolderName As String) As Integer Deletes a directory with all its contents. Returns True(-1) if successful or False(0) if failed. Example:

Elements in Axis

Types of Tables Tables are used at many levels in AXIS for many different: uses, structures, and  shapes Table Hierarchy Characteristics Cell Tables Used only by cells, or by sub-objects linked to cells Support policy level calculations at the cell level Projection Tables Used by higher level objects, such as sub-funds, funds and offices Column-specific shape Rows are financial years   Table Types Characteristics Common Table Vendor defined tables, such as industry standard mortality tables Tables are locked and may not be modified Large Table User defined One hundred columns, one for each entry age View an entry age table in a cell to determine which definition of age is in effect Single Column Table Rows can be policy year, attained age or entry age Column Specific Table “100 Rows X n columns” The row definition is Table specific, options include: calendar year, issue year, policy year, attained age, product age or outstanding term 1200 row tables are also used when policy duration is by month “Expandable” columns allow the user to enter additional age and duration based data which is used in addition to the normal vector of values shown in the column Row Specific Table Table divides the …

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